Monday, August 6, 2012

I Would Surmise the Arrival of the Tooth Fairy is Imminent

Yes, after many days of showing everyone how loose the tooth was, Mia finally conceded to letting Dad have at it with a little pair of extractors. And before you could say the Tooth Fairy was your Auntie, it was out. If you don't like blood don't look, otherwise enjoy.

Mere moments before extraction.

Oh the horror, blood everywhere!!!

A nice clean hole where a little baby tooth used to reside.

That permanent tooth can't wait to get in there.

Tooth Fairy Pillow, with note and tooth in bag standing by.

Packing it all up.

Can hardly wait to see what will be there in place of the tooth tomorrow morning.

As a side note, once the tooth was out Mia and Will were ready to put plan "Alpha" into action.  The plan was for Will to sleep under Mia's bed with a flashligh, set up cameras and microphones and catch the Tooth Fairy in the act. I had to warn them that if they should happen to actually catch her they would no doubt scare her away. Not only would she never return, she would rat them out to Santa. I hope they got the message.

-- Derek

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