Monday, September 3, 2012

Kettle River BC

This campsite was chosen completely on a whim and what a pleasant surprise it turned out to be.  Located just North of Rock Creek it was right on the banks of the lazy Kettle River and it may have been the nicest campground we went to this summer.

Stopping for lunch at Bridal Lake after leaving Moyie Lake on the mountain pass between Creston and Salmo.

It was super pretty up there.

Campsite at Kettle River.

Popped into Rock Creek in the morning and found this quaint little antique shop.

This kid's loved the crooked houses that were for sale.

Decided to partake in the local past time and go for a float down the lazy river.

Mia and Dad went first.

Mia was a very good paddler.

1st person view from my seat.  The bridge was were we would be getting off.

Yes I know or raft was big and very pink.  Suitable for a princess no?

Taking a dip, it was quite chilly but refreshing.
Say cheese!

View up on the bridge.

The boy sure loves to play in the sand.

About to get squirted.

After playing for a while, it was Mom and Mia's turn to go down the river.

Uh oh, it looks like someone is up the creek without a paddle :-)

Turns out it was ours.  Mia fell off the raft and in the confusion the paddle was lost.  We did get it back though and not to be beaten Erin went back in to finish her trip down the river.

Erin floating underneath the bridge.

This speed bump offered no end of amusement for the kids.

Getting warm after being given a wipedown to clean out the toe jam and stuff.

Taking a opportunity to fish a little on the morning before leaving.  Still have not caught anything, but this time I was at least re-assured there are fish in the water as I could see more brown trout that I could count in the water.  I think my fishing was annoying them as they would just swim away whenever my lure got close.

Mia trying to shock and awe them out of the water.

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