Saturday, October 27, 2012

Death Valley

Another day trip on our itinerary was to venture out to Death Valley.  And since we picked up the corvette that morning it seemed like the ideal day to do so.  First we drove the loop at Red Rock Canyon to see what the Corvette could do, then it was lunch at Pahrump Winery, then Death Valley.  It was a long day, and even though Erin was fighting car sickness for most of it, it was a good day.  A great way to spend one's 40th.

Starting the day by picking up my Birthday Present.  Oh yes it's going to be a good day indeed.
Our rental cars side by side.  The Mustang will get the day off today.
The car was suprisingly good on gas, but better safe than sorry.

After lunch in Pahrump.  Now we are good to go to Death Valley.

Erin celebrating because we have stopped for a break. :-)

I was happy because I got to drive a Corvette, Erin was happy cause she got to see where 20 Mule Team Borax comes from.
Each to ones own I guess.

Love the scenery.

This guy just woudn't get off the road.

Look up, way up... That's sea level.

Looking out over the lowest point in the USA.

Even though it's not sand, Erin couldn't resist taking home a souvenir.

Looking back at how far we had gone out into the Salt Flat.

Death Valley at 100mph.

Funky camper from Holland.  They were a long way from home.

Even Erin couldn't help smile when behind the wheel of the mighty Vette.

Looking out over Death Valley from Dante's Point.  5500ft above Badwater Basin.

Looking North

Looking South

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