Wednesday, July 25, 2012


This morning Will used the toilet in our ensuite. There's no stepstool in our bathroom, so I told him to go wash his hands in the other bathroom. A minute later Mia (who is big on being a tattletale) showed up.

Mia: Mom, Will said "F*cking towel."

I'm not sure what prompted his cursing, perhaps trouble hanging the towel back up.

Me: Will, did you say "F*cking towel?"
Will: No.

Me: Will...did you say that?
Will: Nope.

Me:'re not in trouble, but did you say it.
Will: Yes.

Me: F*cking is a bad word. I don't want you to use that word again.
Will: How come Daddy gets to say it?

Phew! He didn't get it from me!

-- Erin

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