Sunday, July 15, 2012


Will: I'm hungry!
Will is always hungry. It's the first thing he announces every morning and what he says most throughout the day. Just before dinner today, he asked for a snack. I (Erin) hauled a huge watermelon off the counter and offered it to him.

Will (frowning): That's too big.

I cut it in half. Not wedges, just in half. Each half is probably still at least five pounds.

Me: How's that? Better?
Will (smiling): Yes! Can you carry it to the table for me?

He sits down and I set it in front of him. I cannot wait to see where this will go. Will he scoop it out with a spoon? Will he ask me to cut it into smaller pieces? Will he just dig into it?

I reallly think he's going to realize it should be cut into wedges.

But no. He just starts chomping.

And here he is in action:

But wait, he's not finished...

-- Erin

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