Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The little man has had a stomach flu hit him. Aside from the odd cold, it's really the first time he's ever been sick. Today he stayed home from his dayhome and pretty much spent a quiet day on the couch, with Grandma watching him while I was at a meeting, and then lazing around on his own when I was back and working.

At 3:15 each day, I pop out for a quick walk to the bus stop to pick up Mia. Although the vomitting and diarrhea seemed to have stopped, I really didn't want to drag him along for the 5 minutes I'd be out. And he isn't the kind of kid that gets into things or gets himself into dangerous situations. So I thought maybe I could just leave him for a couple of minutes.

Me: Will, I gotta pop out for just a couple of minutes to pick Mia up at the bus stop. I thought maybe you'd be ok here by yourself watching tv. I'll be back in a flash. Do you think you'd be ok for just a couple minutes?
Will: Yeah.

Me: Ok, but don't go outside while I'm gone, right? Not even in the backyard. Ok? You just stay on the couch unless you have to go to the bathroom. Understand?
Will: Ok. I'll just stay here and watch tv.

Me: And also, if anyone comes to the door, you don't open it. OK? Do you understand?
Will: I can open the door if the doorbell rings!

Me: What? No. You don't open the door. Not if the doorbell rings and not if someone knocks. You just don't answer the door. Got it?
Will: Why not?

Me: Well, what if it's a bad guy? You wouldn't want to let them in, would you? So just don't open the door.
Will: Yeah, I don't want to let a bad guy in our house.

Me: Exactly.
Will: Yeah. I'll only open the door if a good guy rings the bell.

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