Tuesday, October 30, 2012

All I want for Christmas...

Not so long ago (last month?), Grandma Mary asked what the kids want for Christmas.

Me: Mia, what do you want for Christmas?
Mia: Boots.

Not remotely what I was expecting.

Me: Boots? Really?
Mia: Yeah...pink boots.

Me: Pink boots. Ok.
Mia: Yeah...pink boots with rockets on the bottom that shoot out fire so I can fly around like Astro Boy!

Well, that explains the boots. Now...how do I prepare her for the disappointment?

Me: Well...is there something else you might like instead? Because I haven't ever seen any in the stores, so I probably wouldn't be able to find any for Christmas.
Mia: Oh, that's ok. I'll ask Santa for some!

Me: Yeah, but I've never actually seen any pink rocket boots anywhere. That's just something you've thought up.
Mia: I know. But Santa's elves can make anything in his workshop!

I'm feeling slightly cornered.

Me: Well, yeah, that's true. But what you probably didn't know is that parents can tell Santa not to bring their kids something even if Santa's elves can make it. It's called veto power. So even though they could whip up some pink rocket boots for you, I'm going to have to tell Santa I don't want you to have them because I think they'd be awfully dangerous. What if you burned something or a person with the fire from the rockets? Or what if you crashed into something? Or what if you ran out of rocket fuel? I'm not trying to be mean and I think pink rocket boots would be super cool, but they're just too dangerous.

And so that's where we left it. Disappointed but accepting. Pink rocket boots would be cool, I admit.

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