Sunday, October 28, 2012

Grandma Loves Racing

Derek is a big fan of Formula 1 racing. Today, we were all in the family room while he was watching the Indian F1 race.

Mia: Grandma loves watching racing too.
Me: Which grandma?

Mia: Grandma Mary.
Me: Really? Are you sure about that?

I find this very hard to believe. I'm positive my mom doesn't watch racing.

Mia: Yeah.
Me: Grandma Mary loves watching racing? How do you know? Did she tell you?

Mia: Yeah. She said she really likes it and then she was watching it while she was here.

This really does not sound anything like my mother.

Me: You saw Grandma Mary watching racing on tv this past week?
Mia: Just the beginning because then we had to go to bed. But there was a Ryan and an Abbie racing - just like Uncle Ryan and Auntie Abbey.

Things are finally clear to me.

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